Making a Difference Together
We acknowledge we are gathered on Treaty No.1 Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinabe (Ojibway), Ininew (Cree), Oji-Cree, Dene, and Dakota, and is the Birthplace of the Métis Nation and the Heart of the Métis Nation Homeland.
Local General Meetings
109-1376 Grant Avenue
Local monthly General Meetings take place on the fourth Wednesday of the month, except for December where the meeting takes place on the third Wednesday. No Local General Meeting happens in July and August. Meetings normally open at 5:00 p.m.
Retiree Chapter Meetings
109 - 1376 Grant Avenue
The Local Retiree Chapter meets on a quarterly basis on the second Monday of March, June, September and December except as otherwise notified by e-mail. Meetings open at 10:00 at Unifor Hall at 1376 Grant ave.
Unifor was one of numerous sponsors of the Filipino Festival June 24-25, 2023, including a parade on Saturday morning. The parade proceeded from Watson St, along Jefferson to the Maples Multiplex grounds on Adsum Ave, where there was entertainment and display booths. The festival will continue through the week-end, for the pleasure of visitors and participants. Hoping to see you there.

Our Labour Union knows that strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our united collective. Unifor Local 3005 strives to protect the rights of our Sisters and Brothers in every classification of our workplace. Our goal is to work with our Members to improve the working conditions and workplace rights. We strive to protect and improve the benefits that a unionized workplace has achieved and will continue to achieve.
Union Education and Member Development
Paid Education Leave - PEL
Unifor offers One week residential program, taking place in Port Elgin Ontario. All courses are 40 hours in length, running from Sunday to Friday.
The cost of the program is covered through The Paid Education Leave program, fund negotiated by the union in collective bargaining with employers, where each local or unit must negotiate it individually. A lump sum or cents-per-hour is bargained. This fund supports the development and delivery of training, the Discussion Leaders (instructor), the participation of the members, travel, room and board and all course materials.
Local 3005 has negotiated such a fund as described in the CBA. Contact the Local President, Executive Members or Local Education Committee for more information on upcoming courses if interested in taking part.
There are numerous courses coming up this spring and summer. More in-depth information can be found at:
Spring/Summer 2024 PEL Schedule | Unifor
Family Education Program
The Unifor Family Education Program is funded by the National Union. There is no cost to the Local Union and locals are not required to have Paid Education Leave (PEL) negotiated in collective agreements in order to have members participate in the program.
Our Summer Education program takes place during the months of July and August at Unifor's Family Education Centre (FEC) in Port Elgin, Ontario. This program has been running since the early 1970's for union members and their families. If selected to attend members agree to give up their vacation time and the National Union covers costs for meals, accommodations and travel.
2024 English Sessions
Sunday, July 7 – Sunday, July 14, 2024
Sunday, August 11 - Sunday, August 18, 2024 (ASL Interpretation Available)
The deadline to apply for the English language sessions is Friday April 12, 2024. Send completed English applications to family.education@unifor.org. Successful applicants will be notified beginning the week of May 6, 2024.
If you require further information, please send an email to us at family.education@unifor.org and one of our Administration staff will get back to you.
Area Schools
The Education Department offers one, two, and three day courses in communities across the country. All courses are facilitated by trained Unifor members (Discussion Leaders or "DLs").
These classes are designed specifically to bring education to members close to where they live and work, right in their communities. This makes it easier for members to attend and reduces costs for local unions.
Area Schools operate on a 50/50 cost share, however, travel outside of a members home community is not covered by the National Area School Program. We understand that special circumstances arise. In this case, a Local President can reach out to the department, in advance to registration for pre-approval.
Upcoming Winnipeg Courses:
IN PERSON COURSES (3 day courses)
Local Union Executive Board Training (ALUEB3)
October 15-17 need to register by Sept. 24
Collective Bargaining (ACB3)
Deceber 3-5 need to Register by Nov 12.
ON-LINE COURSES (2 day course)
Online Local Union Finance (OLLUF2)
This course is offered three different dates
Sept 18-19 need to Register by August 28
Oct 30-31 need to Register by October 9
December 11-12 need to Register by Nov. 20
Representing the Workers

In the Collective Interest
The employer is responsible for ensuring the safety and health of workers and others at your workplace. The Workplace Safety and Health Branch (WSH) conducts inspections and investigations to help keep everyone safe, and ensure compliance with the law.
Your workplace Safety and Health Committee can be of great assistance to ensure a safer environment for you and your co-workers. The most important thing is to not ignore unsafe situations. Report any potential hazards, so they can be addressed and eliminated.
"If it was not reported did it really ever happen"?
You have the Right to Refuse dangerous work. Learn more about your rights and responsibilities here.

Pushing Forward
Here in our news section, you’ll find stories and the latest updates about how our work is helping to boost workers’ rights and improve society. The attention these articles draw is one of the best resources we have for informing the public about our cause. Take a look at the featured pieces below and let us know what you think about our efforts.
Local 3005n Happenings
Local election for
Financial Secretary
​December 12, 2024​
All local members eligible to vote, including retired members.
Candidates for Financial Secretary
Critchley, Angela
McAulay, AJ
Miller, Jordan
Santos, Mark